against Hunger

Solidarity that feeds

JBS will donate between July and December 250 tons of protein for the preparation of meals intended for those in a socially vulnerable situation, primarily on account of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil.


Our action

The campaign, United against Hunger, will support institutions selected by the “Fazer O Bem Faz Bem” Program engaged in projects that prepare and distribute meals in regions of Brazil with high poverty rates. In addition, the team members of more than 100 of the company’s units around the country can participate by nominating local institutions where JBS is present to receive protein donations.

The volume of protein is sufficient to produce 2.5 million meals, which will be prepared and delivered by our partner institutions.


250 tons of donated protein


2.5 million meals


14 states covered


6 institutions in partnerships for preparing the meals

Participant states

São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte, Maranhão, Pernambuco, Piauí, Alagoas, Bahia, Paraíba, Ceará, Pará, Amazonas and Federal District

Our partners

Instituto Capim Santo

Founded in 2009, Instituto Capim Santo works to empower people in situations of risk and social vulnerability, using gastronomy as a tool to connect them and generate social mobility.


G10 Favelas

G10 das Favelas is a group of Social Impact Leaders and Entrepreneurs in the Favelas operating in over 180 areas with local leadership, which have joined forces to promote the leading role of the communities in the quest for the economic and social development of these urban areas.


Ação da Cidadania

Founded by the sociologist Herbert de Souza, aka Betinho, Ação da Cidadania was created in 1993. Today, it is present in every state of Brazil and the Federal District. The committees regularly engage in actions in the fields of health, education, culture and the generation of jobs and income, benefiting the elderly, women, children and young people in the communities.


Amigos do Bem

The project began in 1993, with a small group of friends. Today, Amigos do Bem is one of Brazil’s largest social projects, attending to 75,000 people in the dry, arid regions (sertão) of the states of Alagoas, Pernambuco and Ceará, transforming thousands of lives through on-going projects in education, income generation, access to water, housing and health.


Movimento Gastronomia Social

An initiative headed up by Gastromotiva and Escola de Gastronomia Social, the Movimento Gastronomia Social brings together chefs and social entrepreneurs united in tackling malnutrition, lack of opportunities, wastage and hunger.


Child Fund Brasil

A social development agency which, through a solid track record in drawing up and monitoring programs and projects, is transforming the lives of children, teenagers, youth, families and communities in situations of risk, so that they can practice citizenship.

JBS’s Team

Feeding the world with solidarity is one of our intentions! And we want to increasingly make a difference in the communities where we are located. To that end, “Fazer O Bem Faz Bem” relies on the engagement of the team members of da JBS as volunteers in this donation.

Of the total protein donated, 50 tons will be channeled to projects registered by our Unit Teams in which team members volunteer to prepare and/or donate the meals. Together we will make a difference!

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