Supply Chain Protocol
In early 2018, Friboi launched the Supply Chain Protocol as a way to certify that criteria that ensure food safety and the strictest requirements from clients and consumers are met. The certificate includes strict protocols in topics such as animal welfare, traceability, sustainability, operation, production, quality, processing and marketing.

The standards used for establishing the Protocol’s parameters are acknowledged worldwide, such as the British Retail Consortium (BRC), Regulation 1099 from the European Union on Animal Welfare, the US AMI Protocol on Animal Welfare, and the European Union Traceability Regulation.
To ensure the units are certified, they go through a five-step process, including gap analysis conducted by an external consulting firm and specific training sessions. Currently, all Friboi units in Brazil operate following the Protocol standards and go through an external audit every year, conducted by the Brazilian Certification Service (SBC).
This certification agency has over 16 years of experience in the control of product sources;
It has a technical group experienced in supply chain;
It is responsible for certifying 40% of the rural SISBOV properties in Brazil;
It is a benchmark in traceability, typing and Animal Welfare controls;
It is enabled for accreditation also in other topics.

Why SBC?
The initiative was established as an important step from JBS in its commitment with innovation, quality and improving processes throughout the production chain.
Guarantee of Origin Platform – B2B
In Brazil, JBS has designed and implemented a platform using blockchain to share information about its supply chain in a quick, secure and transparent manner. This Business to Business (B2B) platform initially encompasses information on Socioenvironmental Compliance, Food Safety and Traceability adapted to its clients needs, giving them an integrated view so that they can check their supply chain compliance with the Responsible Procurement Policy.