The major challenge of our times is to attend to the food and nutritional needs of the growing world population using a sustainable model that allows us to live in harmony with the planet. To do so, we have to maximize the efficient use of existing natural resources, as well as incorporating the most recent technologies, innovations and responsible practices in every food production system around the globe.
JBS is committed to helping the society face this global challenge in an environmentally friendly manner, working hard to improve the efficiency of our operations, minimize our environmental footprint, and offer nutritional options of protein to millions of consumers every day.
In practice, this commitment is manifested through three paths:

Establishment of goals and monitoring of indicators by a qualified, trained and dedicated team.

Development of annual investment plan for environmental improvements and engagement of team members and suppliers in the corresponding topics concerning this issue.

Engagement of the priority raw material supply chain in compliance with the Company’s policies and social-environmental criteria.
Our management approach is focused on operational efficiency, innovation and compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations.We promote an ongoing improvement model and acknowledge that environmental protection and preservation of resources offer value and safety to current and future generations.
In Brazil, JBS has an annual investment plan for environmental improvements with focus on treatment of effluents, management of solid residues, atmospheric emissions and greenhouse effect gases (GHG), and water use management. This plan is developed based on a comprehensive environmental diagnosis made by the Company to identify opportunities for improving the environmental indicators from processing plants in Brazil. The Investment Plan is updated on a yearly basis and has an extensive list of projects concluded.
The adhesion to these principles in the Company routine is guided by the Environment and Biodiversity Global Policy, which presents standards and good practices to be applied and discloses environmental monitoring and control points in order to achieve seamlessness of actions and routine among all production plants.
At JBS Brazil, the Integrated Management System Policy involves the areas of Quality, Product Safety, Environment, and Health and Safety, with the aim of identifying, monitoring, and controlling the impacts of operations, promoting best practices, and meeting the needs of stakeholders, ecosystems, and the Company.
A JBS possui um sistema informatizado que realiza o gerenciamento dos indicadores de meio ambiente e sustentabilidade das unidades produtivas, como uso de água, geração e análise de efluente, consumo de energia, geração de vapor, geração de resíduos, transporte, gases refrigerantes, dados de produção, dados de emissão de gases de efeito estufa, entre outros. Esse sistema é alimentado pelas equipes de cada uma das unidades de forma periódica. Com isso, é possível acompanhar o desempenho das plantas e relacionar às metas de redução de consumo e geração de resíduos sólidos, líquidos e gasosos da Companhia, permitindo melhor gestão para elaboração de planos de prevenção e redução de impactos ao ambiente.
O nosso Sistema de Gestão Ambiental, auditado internamente, se baseia nas especificações da ISO 14001. No Brasil, porém, a JBS conta com a certificação ISO 14001 para as unidades de Itapiranga/SC, Ipojuca/PE 1, Gaspar/SC 2 e Campo Grande/MS 3. Dessas unidades nascem as ferramentas de gestão de meio ambiente da Companhia no país e é de onde são disseminadas as melhores práticas e modelo de gestão para as demais plantas.
¹Produção de óleos vegetais, gorduras vegetais e margarinas
²Produção de Óleos vegetais, Gorduras vegetais, Margarinas, Cremes vegetais e Maionese
³Escopo de certificação: Produção de cortes, recortes e miúdos, congelados e resfriados; bucho, tripas e subprodutos (farinha de carne e ossos, sebo e sangue in natura). Produção de congelados derivados de carne, hambúrguer, almôndega, kibe e carne moída.