Differentiated Products
Seara offers three product lines that are internationally certified in animal welfare.

Seara DaGranja
Chickens are bred by exclusive farms and fed with 100% plant-based feed. Breeding is antibiotic – and anticoccidial – free. The process is guaranteed by the traceability of the entire production chain.
For more information about Seara DaGranja chicken breeding, please click here and watch the video

Free-range Chicken Nhô Bento
Specially bred free-range chickens, have access to external paddocks for grazing and are raised at a higher age than traditional chickens.

Seara Orgânico
Poultry receive a balanced, plant-based diet consisting of GMO-free, 100% organic soy bean and corn, in addition to vitamins and minerals. Animals also have free access to outside areas.